Image of Yvonne Dam, Execuvtive Business Coach, sitting on white couch in contemplative thought

Work Less, Earn More, LIVE BETTER

CEO Strategy Aligned with Action, Ease, and Results

Distractions to start the day…

When waking up, the first thing you do is grab your phone to check what came in overnight. In your mind, immediately everything springs into action. You instantly know all the things you have to do, and then some. You jump into action, as you’re eager to get as much work done as you possibly can.

There’s a lot to do, but you’re working on it.

During the day, however, you get easily distracted. You need to call that client back and reply to that email. And before you know it, you’ve lost an hour or so.

Mad at yourself, you move on to the next project after quickly answering a slew of other emails. Not the in-depth responses you’d have liked, but you no longer have time.

So the systematic approach to working smarter, not harder, will have to wait. Once you’ve finally immersed yourself in a project, the phone goes. And before you know it, you find yourself working on something else again.

Yvonne Dam, International Business Coach

feeling unsatisfied at the end of the day.

Even though you’ve worked a considerable number of hours, you have so many unfinished projects and you still haven’t managed to work on any of the important ones. You’re mad at yourself, as this isn’t a day in isolation. The voice in your head is telling you to focus more and to get your priorities in order.

You are so done with never finishing your work while procrastinating with things that matter. You are ready to finish the projects you’re working on without wanting to work more hours. If anything, you’d love to get more done in less time.

The Get Sh*t Done Club is designed for people just like you who are ready to take back control of all their outstanding projects, stop procrastinating and start focusing on those projects that make a difference in their business.

Get Sh*t Done Club Results– From a Client

One of my clients has a business in garden design. Ever since they started, they have had clients. They don’t have a website or a social media presence due to a lack of time, and quite frankly, they never needed it.

Client 1

 Their business was running extremely well, and consequently, they worked every day.

Result: We implemented a special planning; automation and they raised their prices – allowing them to reduce their working days to 3 instead of 7.

Client 2

My client focused on all the things, we helped them identify their money-making opportunities, which came naturally.

Result: They focused on meetings with prospects only and saw the results of their efforts within weeks. Their business quadrupled.

A few of my clients have worked at these companies:

Contact Yvonee Dam image is of Yvonne sitting and owring on her laptop at an outdorr bistro.

Instead of feeling stressed by all the work you need to do, you feel in control. You know you’re focused on all the most impactful actions valued by your clients, while working on only a handful of projects instead of trying to do it all.

You feel fulfilled at the end of the day. No longer drained from working all hours on endless projects. Instead, you’re satisfied with all the work you get done.

Best of all, you’re making good progress towards your goals – while working less!

You have focus, and you feel back in control. Imagine!

The backlog you once faced has disappeared as you manage to either get the work done, delegate or stop it altogether. You know you can finish any new projects you take on, as you have established a way to tackle work that needs to be done and stop procrastinating.

Get Sh*t Done Club Results– From a Client

THE GAIN: Elevate Your Business FASTER


“When I started my business, I knew all about saving time, time management, and making work easier. Yet, I found myself procrastinating a lot and seamlessly wasting time on unimportant matters.

I had to learn that often we as business owners are blocked by something deeper, on an unconscious level even. Yes, there are many tools and techniques that help you to focus and get things done. But when these fail, we need to eliminate the root cause.

When I figured that out; when I got to understand my behaviour and what drove me to procrastinate, I could make the shift. It’s amazing and it feels so good to Get Sh*t Done. It’s taking back your power – choosing to do things the easy way; letting go of the hard times and the struggle.

This shift and all the practical tools and ways to get more done without stalling have made my business fast-track the goals I had planned for future years.”

Weekly Schedule

Week 1

You set a new goal every week based on your overarching 6 months goal.  You get to share your progress here. It helps you redefine what you’re working on and determine whether that’s the quickest, easiest, and smartest way -for you- to achieve your goal.

Week 2

In this call, we zoom in on your progress. It is so effective to be held accountable by a group. No more procrastination – results instead. You’ll receive new insights and suggestions from your peers and me, helping you eliminate your blind spots

Week 3

Every week you have the opportunity to be coached on issues you encounter or questions you may have. Too often, struggling to get things done isn’t a lack of action or willpower but is due to another reason. That’s what we unravel here.

Week 4

Once a month, we zoom out and reflect on the past month. What worked well for you, what did you love to and what made an impact on your business? Knowing this allows you to set new monthly goals to build on your past month’s success.