These days everyone sends emails constantly, and before you know it, you either spend all day answering these, or it somehow spins out of control, and your inbox starts overflowing.
Work less, live more
Our motto is work less, live more, and that’s why we have designed a system, a way of working, and a dedicated approach to help you stay on top of your emails in less time.
This has helped many of our VIP 1:1 coaching clients, and we’re delighted to see how this will help you as well.
The results you’ll get
This 5-day training will teach you the following:
– How to deal with an overflowing inbox.
No matter how many emails you currently have, this is a solution to your situation.
– How to keep your inbox clean.
We’ll show you a system that you can set up tailored according to your needs, that provides an overview, stores the important emails, and ensures you’re on top of your mail.
– How to spend less time with your email in general.
How many hours do you spend now checking and answering your email? You’ll be sure to reduce it considerably with this new way of working.
– What to do with those emails that keep floating in?
The way you’re about to learn ensures that what enters your inbox is of interest to you. All else will be gone.
– How you can answer emails in the quickest way.
By using a specific set-up that allows you to save more time.
Are you as excited as we? Because we can’t wait for you to get started and be in control of your mail.
What you’ll get
After signing up, you’ll receive one concise email in your inbox with a video every day, for 5 days.
We’ve got you; none of the videos are longer than 8 minutes and provide you with the insights you’re looking for.
The best way to take this course and run with it, is to watch the video and implement it directly.
The implementation part will take you, on average, 15 minutes a day.
Tip: block out 20 minutes in your calendar for the coming 5 days. That’s all it takes.
After 5 days, you’re on top of your emails, you’re spending less time daily on answering them, and your inbox will be clear and stay that way. Buy now!
Be the CEO of your life, work less, live more