Recently I upset a friend

I could blame it on WhatsApp. But I really should blame it on me

I didn’t take my time and shot off a few short messages that sounded better in my head

The intention of my message got lost

We did clear it up but I learned an important lesson – what you say, how you say it, and when you say it – makes a difference

Ben Baker knows all about communication and how to use it in a way that makes you succeed -on your own terms-

He’s an expert in communications in change management and uses podcasts to solidify change

Tap into the Be the CEO of your Life live show and learn how you can succeed on your own terms, using communication to work for you and not against you, as it did for me

Be the CEO of your life, work less, live more


#coaching #gettingthingsdone #productivity #maximizeyourpotential #amazeyourself #ceoofyourlife

Yvonne Dam
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