All you have to do to get your next new client is to reach out to your network.


That is what happened to my client recently; they got introduced by a former colleague to their next client. 


They signed a $500K deal, and you can do this as well.


Let me take you through the step-by-step approach. In my last blog, I wrote about how you can activate your existing network, which is essential for you to get introduced. Read all about it here. 


Step 1: Reach many potential customers at once


Start by writing down a list of people (aim for at least 60) who know you, like you, and are willing to help you – you move on to the next step. Send them an email asking them to introduce you to at least 5 people in their network. 


You do so by attaching an email they can use to send out to their network. All they have to do is copy-paste, put their name underneath and send it out. In this way, you’re making it very easy for them to introduce you, and if done right, you’re making it easy for potential customers to say yes to you too.


Here’s how you do it.


Step 2: Make it a low burden for potential customers


Make it easy for your potential clients to say yes to working with you. But first, they need to understand how you can help them, and what the results are from working with you. You write that in an email and ask your connection to send this out and introduce you. 


What it all comes down to is to make it easy to:


See what you can do to help them achieve their goals and solve their problems

· Set up a meeting with you


The email you’re asking your connection to send out on your behalf needs to reflect this. Whoever reads this needs to think “tell me more”. That is why YOU need to write that email instead of your connection, as who better than you can showcase how you can help your clients? 


When you write the email, you’re asking your connection to send it out on your behalf, it’s like a win-win. Your connection doesn’t have to do a lot of work and you are more likely to be introduced. 


Step 3: It’s about them not you


Too many emails have a lot of blah, blah, and are all about you and not about your potential client. A giveaway of these kinds of emails is that these start with I can / I do. 

Your reader needs to hear you get them! It should feel as if their needs are the center of the universe, not you. Make them feel that you get them results and start with them.


Don’t forget you’re amazing so simply tell them that too.


Keep it short and make it a one-pager at most. The shorter the better! As long emails tend not to be read.



Step 4: Showcase the results they get from working with you


It’s all about the results you get people, they don’t care about activities. But they do want to understand how it works in real life. So, provide examples of the work you’ve done stating the outcomes for the client.


An example for me would look like this: 

Getting your next new client is easier than you thinkSkilled business coach who helps driven CEOs gain more focus, get better organized and reduce their workload (eg a streamlined organization, reduced working hours, and increased revenue). 




· Coached a CEO of a service-based business to reduce their working hours by 20% and increase their revenue by 30% without launching new services. 


Many CEOs struggle with what I described in the first bullet too much work, and too many clients they need to attend to in too little time. They love to work less yet find themselves with scattered attention, feeling overwhelmed. The idea to work less doesn’t appeal as, after all, they want their business to grow and their income to rise. 


Knowing they could work 20% less while making 30% more money will get them interested to speak with me. So, what about you? How can you get your potential clients interested?


Step 5: Then something about you (that’s really about them)


Your future clients must learn more about who you are and get some examples of earlier work done or better said previous results you obtained. Refer them to a short bio, business case, or client testimonials that highlight the results you got. Don’t attach documents. 


You can refer to a specially drafted biography with previous work examples, your LinkedIn profile, or your website. As long as it’s about the results you get them (eg not every website page is suitable as a reference link)! 


Remember it’s about your client – you’re simply a tool to a means. When your potential client reads how you got someone else the desired outcome, they will contact you. 


And that brings us to the final step, make sure to make it easy for your future clients to reach out to you.


Step 6: Clarify your call to action and make it easy


You want to get your future clients to schedule a meeting with you. And you want them to set this up before they close the email. 


Again, make it easy for them (do you see the repetitive theme here?). 


Tell them what to do next and include a link where they can book an online meeting immediately. No asking for a date, no emailing back and forth – but a link where they see when you’re available and book a time that’s convenient for them.


This is how you can include this in your email:


Schedule a time to talk [include the link to your online calendar, such as acuity or planoly].


Step 7: Take action 

You have received a step-by-step guide to get your next client. They are waiting for you! So go out and reach out to your network and get your next client. I’m rooting for you because you’re amazing and don’t you forget about it!

Want the email I drafted? 

If you want to know what an email sequence looks like I’d be happy to share the emails I drafted for my network with you. Simply send me an email stating “YES” and you’ll receive the emails in your inbox. 



Be the CEO of your life, work less and live more,




Yvonne Dam

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