I was trying to do it all and merely lost myself on the way doing so. Working so hard at being a good mum, partner and entrepreneur who also wanted to stay fit and see friends – all at the same time, that I did not notice that it seriously sapped my energy. I was on the verge of becoming a victim of my own hard work and my body was punishing me for it. But you know bodies can be deceived right? And as long as you have a burning fire inside of you, you can play some pretty good hide-and-seek games with your body.
If you recognise what you have been reading so far, you are either a struggling parent or you also have had an energy draining experience, e.g. a burn-out, like me. Or perhaps you believe you might be pushing it, like I was.
It is not that I got myself overloaded as a mum; I did not attend bake sales at school with my self baked scones. I bought them. Honestly who wants cupcakes that are half risen, as you can have nice ones – crispy and still soft in the middle – from someone who does a far better job, like a baker? I did school drop off and pick up, but I took turns with my love; allowing me to start or end my workday at a time that suited me.
Fortunately, I have a very sociable child; one that loves to be around friends and hence thrives in an after school club. So all in all I managed well, I spent a lot of time with my daughter yet was also capable of working and thriving at being an entrepreneur. Of’ course there was always the juggle of time, which comes with being a mum, partner and entrepreneur, with a need to staying fit and seeing friends, but I managed.
Heck I learned my lesson years ago, when I was still single and did nothing but work (and party), resulting in a burn-out. The crux of it all is to find what works for you, based on the things that are most important to you. This will lead you to say yes to the right things that provide you with a balance.
That is where I was, feeling great and happy when something happened that took me off guard. Nua switched schools. Something I was very happy about as the new school fitted her so much better. School times were different though, which meant most school runs came down to me. There also was no more afterschool club, which allowed us to do fun stuff together after school. I loved it and struggled with it. Like a lot. I really had a hard time, but did not admit it to anyone, let alone to myself.
I was the only one who could not adjust to the new situation. My working days were drastically reduced and I kept trying to do the same amount of work in very reduced hours or by extending my days. It got to me, but I had this burning desire in me, I wanted to launch my latest programme so I kept going. But one day, after having been interviewed by BBC radio and getting home knowing I had a lot of work to do, something snapped. My health. I got the flue, keeping me in bed and forcing me to put things in perspective.
It was then I realised, I had fallen into the parent trap! I had wanted to do everything right, and I had wanted to do it all. Had kept all balls high, but had dropped one: me. I had let myself down; I made everyone and everything a priority, except myself.
It was then I realised something had to give as I could not continue to work at this rate. I felt miserable as I am ambitious and I am só excited about the Embrace Life Programme. But all of a sudden I also got some clarity: as my daughter is most important to me, and she needs this new school, with the additional time from me; my current working pace is not healthy, so let’s take a break and relax. I postponed my eagerly wanted launch.
You know what?
I enjoyed my work even more once I realised that even by working and at a lower pace I got more done! All of a sudden everything clicked and I started to work more in flow. This experience has given me great insights and helped me tremendously with getting more done in less time. I know you’re busy and I know you’re tight for time too. Perhaps you have been struggling to hold all the balls high yourself for some time now. It may even feel like you have dropped one already. If you are eager to get back on track, or you simply want to get more done in less time, join me now in my great training: Create Time to Enjoy Life.
I am sharing my time-management tips with you, the conventional and the unconventional ones. The ones I recently learned, which allow me to get heaps of work done from flow. As well as the more conventional ones that are crucial as a basis. I will share this with you over a period of 4 days. Each day it will take you 10 minutes max. Your return on investment will be at least an hour extra each day. Register now:
Sounds interesting doesn’t it? Don’t miss the opportunity, it is only open for 1 week: http://bit.ly/2hc4Tbb
Do you know another parent who could do with some help? Share the training with them: http://bit.ly/2hc4Tbb
Natuurlijk kun je de training ‘Win Tijd en Geniet Meer’ ook makkelijk in het Nederlands volgen. Superleuk om met jou in mijn moedertaal te kletsen! Schrijf je daarom snel in voor de Nederlandse versie:
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