Monday’s I block out for writing. It’s not needed any more because I am not writing all day long, just 2 hours and I am done. So, now I’m taking the afternoons off. I’ve left my day blocked.
I used to need all day to write though. Because I would be sidetracked. A lot. Also, the whole process would take up ample time.
Not anymore
Because these days I use a special technique that changed this 180 degrees. I have reduced my working hours from 8 to 2 hours. If you’re looking for ways to win time, this is for you,
- if you are one to procrastinate,
- if you tend to overload yourself with work,
- if you have tasks that are recurring during a day, week or month.
Have you answered all 3 with a yes? Then this is for you. But, you can benefit from it, if you have ticked one with a yes.
So, I love to share with you what made me win time. What allowed me to reduce my actual writing time by 75%, so that Monday afternoons are now for my girl and me.
Before I used this technique, I had not heard of it. Now, I use it on a weekly and even daily basis. It has simply changed my working life for the better.
This is my number 1 time hack, and I prepared a step-by-step process to learn you how you can apply it to your work. You can download it here.
Get More Done with my Help
Are you looking for ways to get more results in less time? Double your income and not your hours? I can help. Message me to learn more about how we can work together.
Be the CEO of your life,
P.S. Looking for personalised advice on how to bring back your work-life balance? I can help, in a Power Hour, only €119.79. Book here.
P.S.2 Let me know how batching works for you, and what you think of the download. I always love to hear from you!
Yvonne Dam is a life coach who helps ambitious and successful people to create time. Looking at how you can personally make a bigger impact, without working longer. people to create time. Looking at how you can personally make a bigger impact, without working longer. Resulting in better results, more free time, and overall more fun in life. Freedom- by living your life on your own terms. Yvonne is passionate about coaching and sharing her expertise with you so you can be liberated to fully embrace life. Ready to have more time and enjoy life? >> Get More time Done in Less Time – download now<<
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