What self-sabotage costs you
I never miss my client’s deadlines – but I miss my own.
If I have an appointment in my calendar, just for me, 9 out 10 times, it gets scooped up by a business meeting.
I can easily postpone my own plans, but never those of anyone else. Do you recognize any of these? If so, you’re likely to self-sabotage your success.
What does self-sabotage look like?
Trouble stating your needs
When you always let other people’s plans, including your clients’, come before yours, you can’t state your needs. Because there’s nothing wrong with you saying no. As a matter of fact, it makes you more desirable. Because everyone wants to work with the one fully booked person, fewer people are keen on working with someone who always has time for you.
Blaming others when something goes wrong
Not happy with your business results? Want to grow your business but feel you’re always too busy? What are you doing about it? Stay out of the victim mode. Stop blaming it on others, your clients, your surroundings, or COVID-19, and take charge. It’s your business and all about you. Take responsibility.
Choosing to walk away when things don’t go smoothly
Instead of making those difficult calls to your network about your product that you’re trying to sell, you pivot and come up with (yet) another product that will do better. You get all excited about it, but the truth is – you need to push through and past your comfort zone. To grow your business, you’ll need to do the hard work – don’t walk away from that.
Putting yourself down
We all have an inner voice that screams at us. It does this to keep us safe. We fear rejection most. By rejecting ourselves, we avoid being rejected by others, as that hurts. And it’s a sure way to self-sabotage. Because if you don’t believe in yourself, your business, and what you offer for 2000%, no one will. Stop putting yourself down. Start selling more.
We’re not in control when we focus on our current mood and listen to that fear. We can’t grow from there. Procrastination is nothing more than feeling the emotion of fear. You’re self-sabotaging if you’re procrastinating on those most impactful actions that take you closer to your goal.
How to stop self-sabotage?
Changing a habit starts with the recognition that this is going on. If you have been self-sabotaged in one way or the other, acknowledge it. Recognize it when it’s going on and then decide to change it.
Identify what you want
In order for you to change your ways, you need to identify what you want. You know what you don’t want; most likely, the opposite is what you do want. Formulate, articulate, and share, share, share. Be clear on what you want and why you want it. It’s the first step to making it yours.
Take action
Go after what you want by taking aligned action. Make it happen. Not easy, you say? Now that’s where you can get help. Join my Get Sh*t Done Club, which will help you stop self-sabotage and coaches you into taking the right action. Today is the ultimate last day to join as a founding member, with distinct privileges and an excellent price of only $99 a month. Reach out to get started, or read more here.
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