About Yvonne

Yvonne Dam is the Founder and CEO of Amaze Yourself Coaching. She is a performance and business coach for people who have too little time and crave to optimize their business, improve productivity and income. Yvonne has a vast coaching experience from executives to teams to ambitious business owners. Through her personal and business coaching programs she has helped dozens grow their businesses while drastically reducing their working hours. And when Yvonne is not coaching, you can find her indulging in beach walks, and a sparkly glass of champagne.

From where it began

Embrace life. Make sure to have time to enjoy life. Let me share a little about me.

I love to work.. friends, to relax and workout. I like to have it all, running a thriving business, being an amazing mum and partner, as well as taking care of me. Having enough time to slow down when I need or want to, and these days I can.

That was not always the case; I used to be a workaholic, working day and night. Struggling to find the right balance. Even till the point that I suffered from a burnout. I then decided to start minimizing and do less of everything. This worked but was boring, so as soon as I regained energy I said yes to everything and everyone again. Draining my energy, and making me land in a vicious circle.

Until I discovered what it was that made me loose my balance, my energy each time: I did not say yes to only those things Í wanted and needed, I said yes to all. Most of the times I did not even take myself into account whilst agreeing to something. As soon as I started to say yes to only those things I wanted and needed, my energy levels and fun improved significantly.

What a revelation to discover this: saying yes to all and still being in balance is possible.

I had to learn this in the corporate world, and then again in my business. As a business owner I had to learn how to attract clients with ease, without working hard.

Now, I can finally say I am a recovering workaholic.

The recovery has helped me tremendously and given me: freedom, focus and makes me feel good about myself. It allows me to get more done in less time and improved my relationships. But above all I have more energy and am in balance, allowing me to work as little as I want and still fully enjoy my family, friends and other fun elements of life.


Business Sessions


Sessions Per Year


Years of Experience


Life coach programs

Taking A turn

My Mission

Freedom, Respect and Positivity are my three core values.

Freedom is also why I started Amaze Yourself. Once I discovered how liberating it is to take back control, things changed. Making decisions purely based on what I want and need, no longer feels selfish and I can do this guilt-free and without shame.
The funny thing is, doing that has boosted my success enormously. By just being me, and choosing for what I really want. That is what total freedom looks like to me.

I know how hard it is, to choose for what you really want; and to even discover what it is you really want. As we are so often trapped in other people’s expectations, without us even knowing it. Whether it is the rat race we find ourselves in or doing everything to please our loved ones, it ultimately doesn’t help us.
And when you then step by step move forward to taking back control, determining where you want to go just by taking into account what you need, you feel liberated.
This ultimate feeling of freedom is what I would like so many more people to experience.
That is my mission: showing you that you don’t have to work 24/7 to be successful. Letting you experience the ultimate freedom by helping you achieve your definition of success.

Executive & Business Coaching | Online Workshops | Speaking | ‘Be the CEO of your life’ live show

Journey of my life

I do what I love, and I have a passion for life

After 25 years in senior corporate positions and 7 careers doing what I do best, coaching.

International Tax Lawyer

At one of the top 3 global audit firms. Started as an intern, became a full-time employee and graduated after 7 years evening study.


In the Netherlands, the USA, South Africa and the UK. From Finance to HR and change/perfomance management.

Global nomad

I worked all over the world and lived in 4 countries on three continents (so far).

Coaching Certification

I am certified in life, career and business coaching.


Means everything to me, my love, my daughter and Bubbles my French Bulldog.

Amaze Yourself

My coaching business, the name chosen as my clients always amaze themselves.

Image Icon

I feel “back in control over my agenda, to-do list and I have more free time. There is more flow in my entire life”.

~ Daphne Van De Werken, onderwijspraktijk werkbaar



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Featured in:

  • Magazine Feature
  • Edge of Next
  • Coruzant Technologies

The CEO that Creates CEO's

Get an exclusive understanding of my work, life, passion and becoming an executive life coach that helps other CEOs double their income and achieve focus with ease through my featured interview in the Coruzant Magazine.

The future of work

Host: Scott McArthur.

“In this episode, I had a terrific conversation with Yvonne Dam, who called in from The Hague to talk about her recovery from being a workaholic. We had a wide-ranging conversation about work-life balance, the future of work, art and Yvonne’s artefact. Recommended for anyone wondering about how we will emerge from COVID both personally and professionally.”

Yvonne Dam Feature

Let’s take a dive into the changes I have made as a recovering workaholic, my passion, life and vision for my company in this exclusive interview.

I share my over 25 years experience and the journey of helping driven business owners double their income and not their hours.

Submit your details to book yourself an online consultation now.


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    Sunday: (Closed)

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