Finding someone to connect to, making a true connection is not easy.

Because it asks something of you. You need to open up, make yourself be vulnerable – as that is what a connection asks from you.

In this day and age, when everything is digital, it’s easier to hide behind electronics.

But that doesn’t work. It doesn’t help you to build true connections, and it will stand in your way when you want to attract clients, let alone when you’re looking to find the love of your life.

Join us today live when Jason Lebowitz talks about connection over convenience, and how he’s shacking up the online dating world.

Be the CEO of your life,


#coaching #gettingthingsdone #productivity #ceoofyourlife #maximizeyourpotential

Episode 81/365 of the ‘Be the CEO of your Life’ live show

Yvonne Dam

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