Share what you do, and do what you share. If it sounds so easy, why don’t you do it? 

When I started to work with accountability – things changed. Drastically. I know that if you want your company to reach the next level, the key is holding yourself accountable and to higher standards of performance. That’s where it all starts. 


The short-cut? Don’t do it all by yourself; get an accountability partner! That works wonders. How do I know? I am an accountability partner for all my clients; their results are amazing.

“I became more productive and grew my income while finding a work-leisure balance.”

One of my clients sent me this the other day! They’re in the Get Sh*t Done Club, proof that accountability works. 


Use accountability to elevate your business


Paint an accurate and achievable vision


Last week Friday, I hosted an executive roundtable, where we talked about bringing your vision to life. If you missed it and you want the recording, click here. Everything starts with your vision that you translate into goals. 


Challenge yourself and your team to take ownership over their own tasks


Now that you have your goals translate these into actions and tasks. And this was the easy part. Have your team commit to their part of the tasks. And you do the same. Make sure you feel the need, or burning desire, to bring these to life. 


Set deadlines and follow through


Knowing what to do is good; knowing when you’ll have it done – is even better. And that’s where the accountability kicks in. You’ll share what you’ll do and by when; if you haven’t done it, you’ll feel bad about sharing your lack of progress. That’s why I like to work with a group, as sharing it with 1 person is bad enough. Sharing it with 3 or 4 is worse. 


Involve an outside coach to hold you accountable


Join the Get Sh*t Done Club and achieve your goals with more ease. You can read all about it here. The value of the program alone is $ 1000, reaching your goals however, priceless and you still only pay $ 197 a month.


Accountability saved my company

Be consistent

Rather take consistent small steps towards your goals then major leaps that stop every time. If you consistently work on what you want to achieve, narrow your focus and take action required – you’ll always get there. 


Reward yourself


How do you celebrate? My most asked question. If you have achieved a step that you set for yourself – celebrate. Every win, big or small, needs to be acknowledged and thus celebrated. If you don’t, you’ll become a mountain goat, jumping higher and higher, from one goal to the next,  yet never happy (as who wants to be a goat)?!


Stay in the moment


You can drive yourself nuts, but all the things you need to do. At that moment, you need to zoom out and appreciate all that you now have and now can do. All else will wait.


Accept that accountability isn’t easy


People start working on new goals every year, and many fail. This doesn’t have to be you. I see clients who overcomplicate again and again in my Get Sh*t Done Club. Clients doing too much or not doing the one thing that gets them clients, now. Always ask yourself: “Is this the easiest, quickest and smartest way to achieve my goal?” If yes, do it! If no, change it and then do it!


If you need an accountability partner – I am right here! Ready to help you smash your goals in 2023. 


Be the CEO of your Life, work less, live more,




PS I also created a workbook with the 7 questions that lead to the proof of your success. If you want it, reply YES to this email, and I’ll send it to you!

Yvonne Dam

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